
Talkspace is an online therapy startup. I worked for about a year and a half as an iOS engineer at Talkspace. While working there I pushed new features on a 2 week sprint cycle. I pretty much worked on all parts of the app like frontend ui, Core Data, push notifications, analytics, the networking layer, unit testing, fastlane, certificates, provisioning profiles and modularization.

One of the biggest challenges I faced at Talkspace was dealing with legacy code and technical debt. However, this helped me learn how to budget my time better in that I had to decide when it was worth refactoring something or not. I tend to be a perfectionist to a fault, so my experience working in a faster pace startup helped me see that not everything needs be perfect to work. This is not to say the code was horrible, but focusing too much on a little aspect of code can be detrimental, it helps to step back and look at the bigger picture.

While at Talkspace I also worked in a team atmosphere. I enjoyed learning from other people at the company within the mobile team and also from the fullstack engineers as well. I also learned how to communicate with remote team members that were not always in the same timezone. Overall it was a rewarding experience working with many team members with differing ideas.